I have a NSDictionary that contains a key with a value of 4937446359977427944. I try and get the value of it as a long long and get 4937446359977427968 back?
For anyone interested in quick solution to the problem, as per Analog File proper answer:
long long someNumber = 8204064638523577098;
NSLog(@"some number lld: %lld", someNumber);
NSNumber *snNSNumber = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:someNumber];
NSLog(@"some number NSNumber: %@", snNSNumber);
NSString *someJson = @"{\"someValue\":8204064638523577098}";
NSDictionary* dict = [NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:[someJson dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
NSLog(@"Dict: %@", dict);
NSLog(@"Some digit out of dict: %@", [dict objectForKey:@"someValue"]);
NSLog(@"Some digit out of dict as lld: %lld", [[dict objectForKey:@"someValue"] longLongValue]);
long long someNumberParsed;
sscanf([[[dict objectForKey:@"someValue"] stringValue] UTF8String], "%lld", &someNumberParsed);
NSLog(@"Properly parsed lld: %lld", someNumberParsed);
Results in:
2014-04-16 14:22:02.997 Tutorial4[97950:303] some number lld:
82040646385235770982014-04-16 14:22:02.998 Tutorial4[97950:303] some number NSNumber:
82040646385235770982014-04-16 14:22:02.998 Tutorial4[97950:303] Dict: { someValue = 8204064638523577098; }
2014-04-16 14:22:02.998 Tutorial4[97950:303] Some digit out of dict:
82040646385235770982014-04-16 14:22:02.999 Tutorial4[97950:303] Some digit out of dict as lld: 8204064638523577344
2014-04-16 14:22:02.999 Tutorial4[97950:303] Properly parsed lld: