I need a clean way to pull out my servers public key and compare it to local data in order to defend against expiring / renewed keys in the future, but I can\'t seem to get
I solved this by having a copy of the .der locally and pinning just it's public key.
-(BOOL)trustCertFromChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
SecTrustResultType trustResult;
SecTrustRef trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust;
OSStatus status = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResult);
//DLog(@"Failed: %@",error.localizedDescription);
//DLog(@"Status: %li | Trust: %@ - %li",(long)status,trust,(long)trustResult);
if (status == 0 && (trustResult == kSecTrustResultUnspecified || trustResult == kSecTrustResultProceed)) {
SecKeyRef serverKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust);
NSString *certPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MYCert" ofType:@"der"];
NSData *certData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:certPath];
SecCertificateRef localCertificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, (__bridge CFDataRef)certData);
SecKeyRef localKey = NULL;
SecTrustRef localTrust = NULL;
SecCertificateRef certRefs[1] = {localCertificate};
CFArrayRef certArray = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (void *)certRefs, 1, NULL);
SecPolicyRef policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509();
OSStatus status = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certArray, policy, &localTrust);
if (status == errSecSuccess)
localKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(localTrust);
if (serverKey != NULL && localKey != NULL && [(__bridge id)serverKey isEqual:(__bridge id)localKey])
return YES;
return NO;
//DLog(@"Failed: %@",error.localizedDescription);
return NO;