I\'ve seen a number of similar questions on Stackoverflow, including this one. But none address my particular issue.
The application is deployed in a Kubernetes (v1.
Im SOLVED from this parse
check in http first, make sure it was parse, and log your container
@type parser
key_name "$.log"
hash_value_field "log"
reserve_data true
@type json
@type stdout
and check http in your terminal with curl
curl -i -X POST -d 'json={"source":"stderr","log":"{\"applicationName\":\"api-producer-go\",\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"Development is Running\",\"time\":\"2020-09-04T14:32:29Z\"}","container_id":"f9975c6a7bc6dcc21dbdacca8ff98152cd04ae28b3bc36707eba5453f6ff9960","container_name":"/api-producer-golang"}' http://localhost:5170/test.cycle