I\'m trying to dynamically create and show component and i need to pass some data into it, so that it knows what to show.
Here is my code:
html part:
If you open code of NgComponentOutlet
@Directive({selector: '[ngComponentOutlet]'})
export class NgComponentOutlet implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
@Input() ngComponentOutlet: Type;
@Input() ngComponentOutletInjector: Injector;
you can notice that it takes ngComponentOutlet
input that should have type Type
but you're passing object to it.
Also we can see that this directive can take Injector
as @Input
. So lets leverage this knowledge to do your task.
For example we wrote template like:
Now lets declare component
and injector
properties in component class:
export class AppComponent {
component: Type;
injector: Injector;
constructor(private inj: Injector) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.component = ProjectComponent; // note: we're passing type here
this.injector = Injector.create([
{ provide: BasicProject, useValue: new Project('test name') }
], this.inj);
and your ProjectComponent
now uses angular DI mechanism to get data we passed to injector:
export class ProjectComponent {
name: string;
constructor(project: BasicProject) {
this.name = project.name;
Stackblitz Example