I have just switched from python 3.6 to python 3.7. I have a function which inserts rows in a Treeview tree with tags. The tags are used for giving a foreground color and a
Looks like the issue was caused by a newer version of tkinter, not a newer version of Python. This was reported in https://bugs.python.org/issue36468 and https://core.tcl-lang.org/tk/info/509cafafae
Here is a proposed solution. It should be both backward and forward compatible:
def fixed_map(option):
# Fix for setting text colour for Tkinter 8.6.9
# From: https://core.tcl.tk/tk/info/509cafafae
# Returns the style map for 'option' with any styles starting with
# ('!disabled', '!selected', ...) filtered out.
# style.map() returns an empty list for missing options, so this
# should be future-safe.
return [elm for elm in style.map('Treeview', query_opt=option) if
elm[:2] != ('!disabled', '!selected')]
style = ttk.Style()
style.map('Treeview', foreground=fixed_map('foreground'), background=fixed_map('background'))