I\'ve been trying to do this with my data by looking at other posts, but I keep getting an error. My data new
looks like this:
id year name
Another option that scales well for large tables is using data.table
DT <- read.table(text = "id year name gdp
1 1980 Jamie 45
1 1981 Jamie 60
1 1982 Jamie 70
2 1990 Kate 40
2 1991 Kate 25
2 1992 Kate 67
3 1994 Joe 35
3 1995 Joe 78
3 1996 Joe 90",
header = TRUE)
DT <- as.data.table(DT)
res = DT[,j=list(year=year[which.max(gdp)]),by=id]
# id year name gdp
# 1: 1 1982 Jamie 70
# 2: 2 1992 Kate 67
# 3: 3 1996 Joe 90