I receive a string that represent a date, I need convert this string to date, and validate that the string is a valid date.
I receive the string 33-12-2013 a the par
The parser will try to parse your input as best as he can unless you define its lenient
flag to false, in which case the parser will be strict with the pattern you provided. By default (in your case) this flag is set to true, meaning that any incoherence in the input will try to be salvaged, resulting in an unexpected output if you don't know quite well how does it work.
With "as best as he can" I meant this:
With lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that do not precisely match this object's format.
Let's take a look at your examples:
String date: 365-12-2013 output: Sun Nov 30 00:00:00 COT 2014
The exceeding gap between the maximum allowed number of day, month or year, will be added in the specific unit it is exceeding. In this case, you can go up to December 31, because the field that's "overflowing" is the day. You'll have 31 days to set and 334 left to go, which will be still added as days.
Long story short: 334 days after December 31, 2013
comes November 30, 2014
String date: 1-24-2013 output: Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 COT 2014
In this case, the principle is the same but it is applied to months. In this case, the maximum month possible is 12, so, with 12 more months left to go, you're actually adding a year to your date. resulting in the output you received.
Setting the lenient
flag to false will enforce strict adherence to the pattern and the exceptions you seek will be properly thrown.