I am building a REST application, which is running on Glassfish 3, and having trouble handling the case when a parameter is bound to an enum:
The way that I handled this was to first have a suitable deserializer in my enum:
public static Type fromString(final String state)
checkNotNull(state, "State is required");
// You might need to change this depending on your enum instances
return valueOf(state.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
// N.B. we don't pass the iae as the cause of this exception because
// this happens during invocation, and in that case the enum handler
// will report the root cause exception rather than the one we throw.
throw new MyException("A state supplied is invalid");
And then write an exception mapper that will allow you to catch this exception and return a suitable response:
public class MyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper
public Response toResponse(final MyException exception)
return Response.status(exception.getResponse().getStatus())