Hi I\'m trying to get the last register in DB for each equipment
I got like
id | id_equip
1 | 3
2 | 3
3 | 3
A simple way, without join
, using max
$query = DB::table('equip')
->select(DB::raw('*, max(id) as id'))
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
(Assuming, of course, that you can count on your id
to be in date order.)
You can also do this with Eloquent, using a self-referencing one-to-one relationship. The query takes longer, but it's much more Laravel-like:
Define the relationship in your model:
class myModel extends Eloquent {
public function latestEquipment()
return $this->hasOne('myModel', 'id_equip', 'id_equip')->latest();
(Note that in this case, we're using latest()
so that we don't rely on the order of id
s to determine the most recent entry, but rather on the created_at
date of each record. This is more accurate.)
To retrieve all the records, with their latest equipment entry:
$latest = myModel::with('latestEquipment')->groupBy('id_equip')->get();
// loop over the results
foreach ($latest as $l) {
if ($l->equipment) {
echo('ID: ' . $l->id . 'ID_EQUIP: ' . $l->id->id_equip . '