Is is possible escape parameterized regex when parameter contains multiple simbols that need to be escaped?
const _and = \'&&\', _or = \'||\';
let re
You can make your own function which would escape your parameters, so that these works in final regexp. To save you time, I already found one written in this answer. With that function, you can write clean parameters without actually escaping everything by hand. Though I would avoid modifying build in classes (RegExp) and make a wrapper around it or something separate. In example below I use exact function I found in the other answer, which extends build in RegExp.
RegExp.escape = function(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
const and = RegExp.escape('&&');
const or = RegExp.escape('||');
const andTestString = '1 && 2';
const orTestString = '1 || 2';
const regexp = `${and}|${or}`;
console.log(new RegExp(regexp).test(andTestString)); // true
console.log(new RegExp(regexp).test(orTestString)); // true