Print line, which is situated 2 lines before the match(pattern).
I tried next:
sed -n \': loop
t x
t loop
Here are some other variants:
awk '{a[NR]=$0} /pattern/ {f=NR} END {print a[f-2]}' file
This stores all lines in an array a
. When pattern is found store line number.
At then end print that line number from the file.
PS may be slow with large files
Here is another one:
awk 'FNR==NR && /pattern/ {f=NR;next} f-2==FNR' file{,}
This reads the file twice (file{,}
is the same as file file
At first round it finds the pattern and store line number in variable f
Then at second round it prints the line two before the value in f