This is a simplified test for JwtSecurityTokenHandler 4.0.0 in Linqpad. The code works well with JwtSecurityTokenHandler 3.0.2, the token is generated and validated. In 4.0.
This exception is thrown if:
While we investigate the issue, you can use the delegate TokenValidationParameters.IssuerSigningKeyResolver to directly return the signing key to use when checking the signature.
To achieve this set: TokenValidationParameters.IssuerSigningkeyResolver to a function that will return the same key that you set above in TokenValidationParameters.SigningToken. The purpose of this delegate is to instruct the runtime to ignore any 'matching' semantics and just try the key.
If the signature validation still fails, it may be a key issue.
If the signature validation doesn't fail, the runtime may need a fix.
If you can provide us with a jwt signed with that public key, that would help us make a fix.
thanks for giving us a try, sorry for the hassle.