In my application I have dropdown list with several items. I\'d like to show a context menu when the user clicks the right mouse button on a dropdown item. Is this possible?
For those asking "Why?" or saying they've never seen a combobox with a contextmenu; Look at any web browser's favorites dropdown. You can right click and delete, edit, or go to the entry in current tab, new tab, or new window. I also could not get an actual contextmenustrip to show, so I made a menu with a small borderless form and call with:
Private Sub FavoritesBar_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles FavoritesBar.SelectedIndexChanged
FavIndex = FavoritesBar.SelectedIndex 'FavIndex is declared as a public string.
Dim Loc As Point = New Point(MousePosition)
FavMenu.Location = Loc
End Sub
With a homemade contextmenu, be sure to add "me.close" at the end of each sub as well as the me.mouseleave event.