I tried to wrap a lisp expression by another lisp expression. I guess, a macro should do it, but I don\'t get the trick. Can someone help me, who knows how to do it?
Please note that in Lisp, "handler" is normally a function, not a symbol. Your naming is confusing.
If you are generating code, you should use macros, not functions. This assumes that you know at compile time what files and stream variable you will use:
The simplest approach is to use recursion:
(defmacro with-open-files ((streams file-names &rest options &key &allow-other-keys) &body body)
(if (and streams file-names)
`(with-open-file (,(pop streams) ,(pop file-names) ,@options)
(with-open-files (,streams ,file-names ,@options)
`(progn ,@body)))
'(with-open-files ((a b c) ("f" "g" "h") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(print "a" a)
(print "b" b)
(print "c" c)))
(PRINT "a" A) (PRINT "b" B) (PRINT "c" C)))
'(with-open-files ((a) ("f") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(print "a" a)))
(PRINT "a" A)))
'(with-open-files (nil nil :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(print nil)))
If you do not know at compile time what the streams and files are, e.g.,
they are stored in the *handler*
variable, you cannot use the simple
macro above - you will have to roll your own using
progv for binding and
gensym to avoid variable
capture. Note how the let
inside backtick avoids multiple
evaluation (i.e., arguments streams
, file-names
and options
are to
be evaluated once, not multiple times):
(defmacro with-open-files-d ((streams file-names &rest options &key &allow-other-keys) &body body)
(let ((sv (gensym "STREAM-VARIABLES-"))
(so (gensym "STREAM-OBJECTS-"))
(ab (gensym "ABORT-"))
(op (gensym "OPTIONS-")))
`(let* ((,sv ,streams)
(,ab t)
(,op (list ,@options))
(,so (mapcar (lambda (fn) (apply #'open fn ,op)) ,file-names)))
(progv ,sv ,so
(unwind-protect (multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body) (setq ,ab nil))
(dolist (s ,so)
(when s
(close s :abort ,ab))))))))
'(with-open-files-d ('(a b c) '("f" "g" "h") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(print "a" a)
(print "b" b)
(print "c" c)))
(#:ABORT-374 T)
(MAPCAR (LAMBDA (FN) (APPLY #'OPEN FN #:OPTIONS-375)) '("f" "g" "h"))))
(CLOSE S :ABORT #:ABORT-374))))))
Here both stream variables and file list are evaluated at run time.
An important practical note here is that the static version is more robust in that it guarantees that all streams are closed, while the dynamic version will fail to close remaining streams if, say, the first close
raises an exception (this can be fixed, but it is not trivial: we cannot just ignore-errors
because they should in fact be reported, but which error should be reported? &c &c).
Another observation is that if your list of stream variables is not known at compile time, the code in the body
that uses them will not be compiled correctly (the variables will be compiled with dynamic binding &c) indicated by undefined-variable
compile-time warnings.
Basically, the dynamic version is an exercise in macrology, while the static version is what you should use in practice.
If I understood your requirements correctly, you can do something like this (untested!):
(defun process-A-line (line stream)
do something with line,
stream is an open output stream)
(defun process-file (input-file processors)
"Read input-file line by line, calling processors,
which is a list of lists (handler destination ...):
handler is a function like process-A-line,
destination is a file name and the rest is open options."
(with-open-file (inf input-file)
(let ((proc-fd (mapcar (lambda (p)
(cons (first p)
(apply #'open (rest p))))
(abort-p t))
(loop for line = (read-line inf nil nil)
while line
do (dolist (p-f proc-fd)
(funcall (car p-f) line (cdr p-f)))
finally (setq abort-p nil))
(dolist (p-f proc-fd)
(close (cdr p-f) :abort abort-p))))))