I want to store a unicode string in a flat file on a windows box from an excel/vba macro. The macro converts normal string to unicode representation, need to store it in a f
The best solution I could figure is read the string in to a byte array and write each byte to a binary file
Private Function WriteBinaryFile(ByRef szData As String)
Dim bytData() As Byte
Dim lCount As Long
bytData = szData
Open PwdFileName For Binary As #1
For lCount = LBound(bytData) To UBound(bytData)
Put #1, , bytData(lCount)
Next lCount
Close #1
End Function
Read it back by opening the file in binary mode and reading each byte into a byte array and then converting it to a string.
Sub ReadBinaryFile(ByRef gszData As String)
Dim aryBytes() As Byte
Dim bytInput As Byte
Dim intFileNumber
Dim intFilePos
intFileNumber = FreeFile
Open PwdFileName For Binary As #intFileNumber
intFilePos = 1
Get #intFileNumber, intFilePos, bytInput
If EOF(intFileNumber) = True Then Exit Do
ReDim Preserve aryBytes(intFilePos - 1)
aryBytes(UBound(aryBytes)) = bytInput
intFilePos = intFilePos + 1
Loop While EOF(intFileNumber) = False
Close #intFileNumber
gszData = aryBytes
End Sub