How can I find the index of the 3 smallest and 3 largest values in a column in my pandas dataframe? I saw ways to find max and min, but none to get the 3.
In [55]: import numpy as np
In [56]: import pandas as pd
In [57]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5))
In [58]: s
0 0.152037
1 0.194204
2 0.296090
3 1.071013
4 -0.324589
dtype: float64
In [59]: s.nsmallest(3) ## s.drop_duplicates().nsmallest(3); if duplicates exists
4 -0.324589
0 0.152037
1 0.194204
dtype: float64
In [60]: s.nlargest(3) ## s.drop_duplicates().nlargest(3); if duplicates exists
3 1.071013
2 0.296090
1 0.194204
dtype: float64