When you want your app to expand to the full screen (including status bar and appbar), you have to do :
var applicationView = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Appli
I can't seem to solve my issue (or someone who can help). So i did it that way, if it can help someone :
private void MenuFlyout_Opened(object sender, object e)
BottomAppBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
private void MenuFlyout_Closed(object sender, object e)
BottomAppBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
Now my flyout appears fully, since there is no more appbar. For mvvm list view items, i did it in a behavior action :
public class OpenFlyoutAction : DependencyObject, IAction
public object Execute(object sender, object parameter)
// Show menu
// sometimes the appbar is stuck behind the appbar, so hide the appbar
(sender as FrameworkElement).GetFirstAncestorOfType().BottomAppBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
// show the appbar again when flyout is closed
var flyout = FlyoutBase.GetAttachedFlyout((FrameworkElement)sender);