My first time posting. I am using BeautifulSoup 4 and python 2.7 (pycharm). I have a webpage containing elements and I need to extract specific elements where the tags
If order is not important just make some changes:
dl_data = soup.find_all("dd")
for dlitem in dl_data:
print dlitem.string
13 September 2015
Starting at £40,130 per annum.
15 December 2015
Starting at £22,460 per annum.
10 January 2014
Starting at £18,160 per annum.
For your latest request:
for item in list(zip(soup.find_all("dd")[0::3],soup.find_all("dd")[2::3])):
date, salary = item
print ', '.join([date.string, salary.string])
13 September 2015, 100
14 September 2015, 200