I have a very short test file:
let print_backtrace () = try raise Not_found with
Not_found -> Printexc.print_backtrace stdout;;
let f () = print_back
The documentation for Printexc.print_backtrace
The backtrace lists the program locations where the most-recently raised exception was raised and where it was propagated through function calls.
It actually seems to be doing the right thing. The exception hasn't been propagated back through f.
If I move the call to Printexc.print_backtrace
outside the call to f
, I see a full backtrace.
$ cat test2.ml
let print_backtrace () = raise Not_found
let f () = let res = print_backtrace () in res ;;
try f () with Not_found -> Printexc.print_backtrace stdout
$ /usr/local/ocaml312/bin/ocamlc -g test2.ml
Raised at file "test2.ml", line 1, characters 31-40
Called from file "test2.ml", line 3, characters 21-39
Called from file "test2.ml", line 5, characters 4-8