Binding error with slf4j

后端 未结 2 1739
旧巷少年郎 2021-01-20 01:16

I am using a tool, GATE for text analysis and while installing a PR I get the following error-

SLF4J: The requested version 1.5.6 by your slf4j binding is not compat

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-20 02:01

    SLF4J is a standardized way to "wrap" a "real" logging framework. (The "F" stands for "Facade".) In addition to the slf4j-api-.jar file, one also needs to include a "binding". One such binding for really simple applications is the slf4j-simple-.jar, which has some simple configurations and is mainly for logging to the console. But if you don't have that on your classpath, then that's probably not the one that you're using.

    So, which binding are you using? If you're not sure, figuring that out requires you to look at the .jar files that are on your classpath and seeing which are can be a binding for SLF4J. The binding libraries generally start with "slf4j-", but some like "logback" don't and directly implement the SLF4J API. If you're really stuck, you may need to look inside the .jar files (they can be read with any .zip file reader) and see which has a org/slf4j folder within it.

    I think your real issue is within whatever dependency management system you're using, such as Maven, Gradle, or manually building a classpath with a bunch of .jar files. It looks like whatever you're using for this has either multiple versions of the slf4j-api file, multiple logging bindings, or an older version of slf4j-api that doesn't match the newer version of the binding library you're using. Look through all the .jar files in the classpath that you're running, and you should be able to spot the problem.
