I am trying to add a \"data-bind\" attribute to a div using jQuery as follows:
var messageViewModel = {
data: ko.observable({
Alexander's answer is definitely correct, in the general sense, but I couldn't help but notice that in your specific example you seem to be adding messages to your code by creating a new binding scope for each message. If this is the case, I think you are using Knockout incorrectly (if not, let me know and I will just remove this).
If you are getting new messages from a server, and just trying to display the list of them on the page, a much better structure would be to use an ObservableArray, and simply push new messages to it. The standard knockout binding will automatically add the new messages to your html, without the mess of creating a new binding scope, and a completely independent viewmodel for the new message. You can see this in action in this fiddle.
Here is the rather contrived ViewModel:
var ViewModel = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.messages = ko.observableArray();
self.newMessage = ko.observable('');
self.addMessage = function() {
var message = new Message({ message: self.newMessage()});