I am totally new to google\'s maps api for android and I was wondering if it is possible to restrict the area the map is showing to one country only. I mean my target users
You can restrict the user view to specific square -maybe- of the map, to do so, you can use the following:
private GoogleMap mMap;
// Create a LatLngBounds that includes the city of Adelaide in Australia.
private LatLngBounds ADELAIDE = new LatLngBounds(
new LatLng(-35.0, 138.58), new LatLng(-34.9, 138.61));
// Constrain the camera target to the Adelaide bounds.
in this case, the user will not be able to zoom in, in the map in areas where the camera is totally out of the range -square- you specified.
for more details, source: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/views#restricting_the_users_panning_to_a_given_area