I want to debug a windows C++ application I\'ve written to see why it isn\'t responding to WM_QUERYENDSESSION how I expect it to. Clearly it\'s a little tricky to do this by
Yes of course, it possible. I faced a similar issue some months ago where some (unknown, but probably mine) app was preventing shutdown, so I wrote some quick code that used EnumWindows to enumerate all the top level windows, sent each one a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, noted what the return value from SendMessage was and stopped the enumeration if anyone returned FALSE. Took about ten minutes in C++/MFC. This was the guts of it:
void CQes_testDlg::OnBtnTest()
// enumerate all the top-level windows.
EnumWindows (EnumProc, 0);
BOOL CALLBACK EnumProc (HWND hTarget, LPARAM lParam)
CString csTitle;
CString csMsg;
CWnd * pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle (hTarget);
BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;
if (pWnd)
pWnd->GetWindowText (csTitle);
if (csTitle.GetLength() == 0)
GetWindowThreadProcessId (hTarget, &dwPID);
csTitle.Format ("", dwPID);
csMsg.Format ("window 0x%X (%s) returned TRUE", hTarget, csTitle);
csMsg.Format ("window 0x%X (%s) returned FALSE", hTarget, csTitle);
bRetVal = FALSE;
mg_pThis->m_ctrl_ListMsgs.AddString (csMsg);
csMsg.Format ("Unable to resolve HWND 0x%X to a CWnd", hTarget);
mg_pThis->m_ctrl_ListMsgs.AddString (csMsg);
return bRetVal;
mg_pThis was just a local copy of the dialog's this pointer, so the helper callback could access it. I told you it was quick and dirty :-)