Hey I am having some issues adding a signing my release build variant. Currently I am using the experimental gradle 2.5 with the new android gradle plugin version 0.1.0.
You should be able to add the release keys with a script like this:
model {
android.buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig = $("android.signingConfigs.signed")
android.signingConfigs {
create("signed") {
keyAlias = "meow"
keyPassword = "**"
storeFile = file("meow-key.keystore")
storePassword = "**"
storeType = "jks"
Currently it seems to be a bug in the plugin.
You need to specify -Dorg.gradle.model.dsl=true
when you run your gradle command.
Also you should have an issue with proguard.
In this case you can use new File("path/to/proguard-rules.pro")
instead of file('proguard-rules.pro')