I\'m to change it to support non-quote id, as in:
I found this http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?
You can find the HTML.tmLanguage file by going to /Applications
and then control/right click on Sublime Text 2.app
and select 'Show Package Contents'. Then navigate to /Contents/Mac OS/Pristine Packages/
Inside that folder, you should see a collection of sublime-package files. Find HTML.sublime-package
and rename it to HTML.zip
. You should then be able to extract the archive, just like any other zip folder, and inside you should find all assests related to Sublime's HTML package - including the HTML.tmlanguage.
Make sure to recompress and then rename the folder back to .sublime-package after making your edits!
EDIT: I have since recognised that this is incorrect, the Pristine Packages should never be edited. Follow BoundinCode's answer instead!