I have a set of React input elements that have a defaultValue set. The values are updated with an onBlur event.
I also have another action on the page that updates
I've solved this by using both onBlur and onChange and only keeping track of the currently active input element in the state.
If there is a way to reset the module so that it re-displays the new default values then I'll mark that as correct.
state = {
inFocusIndex: null,
inFocusDisplayOrder: 0,
onOrderBlur() {
const productRow = this.props.products[this.state.inFocusIndex];
const oldDisplayORder = productRow.displayOrder;
// This can change all the display order values in the products array
this.setState({ inFocusIndex: null });
onOrderChanged(index, event) {
inFocusIndex: index,
inFocusDisplayOrder: event.target.value,
In the render function:
{this.props.products.map((row, index) => {
return (