I have a csv file with the foll struct
Name | Val1 | Val2 | Val3 | Val4 | Val5
John 1 2
Joe 1 2
David 1 2 10 11
This is not answer to your question. But it may help to solve your problem.
From the question I see that you are trying to create a dataframe from a CSV.
Creating dataframe using CSV can be easily done using spark-csv package
With the spark-csv below scala code can be used to read a CSV
val df = sqlContext.read.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").load(csvFilePath)
For your sample data I got the following result
| Name|Val1|Val2|Val3|Val4|Val5|
| John| 1| 2| | | |
| Joe| 1| 2| | | |
|David| 1| 2| | 10| 11|
You can also inferSchema with latest version. See this answer