I am trying to build my ionic 3 application and deploy and live reload on my device for that reason I am trying following command:
ionic cordova run ios --de
To deploy and test an app on an iOS device you need to create a developer certificate and a provisioning profile.
iOS developers need to generate a provisioning profile to code sign their apps for testing. The good news is that, as of iOS 9, you can develop and test your apps on your iOS device without a paid Apple Developer account. This is particularly great for developers who want to try out mobile development with Ionic since it saves the cost but still provides a lot of the features of having a full Apple Developer account. For a full breakdown of the features included, check out Apple’s docs.
Basic Requirements to run your iOS app:
Need to Generate Certificate & Profile:
Open your Xcode > Go to Preferences > Account > Add account
Add Your Apple account credential:
Now Come back to the ionic project and follow below steps:
Run a build (production or debug) of your app with below command
$ionic cordova build ios --prod
Open the .xcworkspace
file from path platforms/ios/
in Xcode.
For Profile Selection from XCode follow below steps:
Now Go to your App Setting (By clicking on App name in Left Menu panel)
Check "Automatically manage signin" (by checking this Xcode will create a profile automatically)
After setting all this now your app is ready to test on the device there are 2 ways to run your app on the device.
Directly run your app from XCode by hitting on the play button on the top left corner.
run $ionic cordova run ios --device
through your ionic project terminal.
Hope above steps will help to run your app on the iOS device.
Useful links :