How I can sort array data alphanumerically in ruby?
Suppose my array is a = [test_0_1, test_0_2, test_0_3, test_0_4, test_0_5, test_0_6, test_0_7, test_0_8, te
You can pass a block to the sort function to custom sort it. In your case you will have a problem because your numbers aren't zero padded, so this method zero pads the numerical parts, then sorts them, resulting in your desired sort order.
a.sort { |a,b|
ap = a.split('_')
a = ap[0] + "%05d" % ap[1] + "%05d" % ap[2]
bp = b.split('_')
b = bp[0] + "%05d" % bp[1] + "%05d" % bp[2]
b <=> a