I am creating a system of newsfeed, and as you can easily guess, it is beyond my skills. Please be kind to put me on the right track or provide something I can go on with.<
If you wish to display a ranking of items and limit the results to a particular tag defined in a pivot table, this is the solution:
$events = Event1 (table name = 'events')
For example, the tag would be war: defined in table eventtags
Event nature are defined as
id = '1' is name = 'wars' id = '2' is name = 'conflicts' pivot table, which assigns multiple tags: event_eventtags they are defined as id = '4'
Example records for event_eventtags:
id - event_id - eventtag_id
1 - 45 - 1
2 - 45 - 2
Plain English: the Event1 #45 is tagged as war(#1) and conflict(#2)
Now in order to print a list of 10 wars you should define your query in this way:
$events= Entity::join('event_eventtags', function($q){
$q->on('entity_id', '=', 'entities.id');
$q->where('entitycapacitytypes_id', '=', 1);
})->leftJoin('user_attitudes', function($q){
$q->on('item_id', '=', 'entities.id');
$q->where('item_type', '=', 'entity');
->selectRaw('entities.*, SUM(user_attitudes.importance) AS importance')
->orderBy('importance', 'desc')
The user_attitudes is part of voting system described in the original question. You can remove it and sort events by another method.