I have a 4-D matrix A
of size NxNxPxQ
. How can I easily change the diagonal values to 1 for each NxN
2-D submatrix in a vectorized way
You can actually do this very simply by directly computing the linear indices for every diagonal element, then setting them to 1:
[N,N,P,Q] = size(A);
diagIndex = cumsum([1:(N+1):N^2; N^2.*ones(P*Q-1,N)]);
A(diagIndex) = 1;
The above example finds the N
diagonal indices for the first N
matrix (1:(N+1):N^2
). Each subsequent N
matrix (P*Q-1
of them) is offset by N^2
elements from the last, so a matrix of size PQ-1
containing only the value N^2
is appended to the linear indices for the diagonal of the first matrix. When a cumulative sum is performed over each column using the function CUMSUM, the resulting matrix contains the linear indices for all diagonal elements of the 4-D matrix.