I have a PreferenceFragment where I have defined a CheckBoxPreference in XML. I need to check this value in a Service, but it always gives me the old value. I noticed the va
I found a solution thanks to this link Managing SharedPreferences in both PreferenceActivity and Service within same app and thanks to Andrew T. :
The issue was the multi process mode. If you have a Service which is declared in the manifest with a android:process="" (which is my case) then it's necessary to set a multi process mode.
Here is what i did :
in PreferenceFragment :
public static final String CONFIG_NAME = "pref";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
My Service :
SharedPreferences settings = MyApplication.getInstance().getSharedPreferences(OptionsFragment.CONFIG_NAME, Context.MODE_MULTI_PROCESS);
and I set the default values in MainActivity this way :
PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(getApplicationContext(), OptionsFragment.CONFIG_NAME, Context.MODE_MULTI_PROCESS, R.xml.config, false);
And now it works fine. Hope it will help !
Thank you again Andrew T.