Yet another reshape problem in data.table
DT <- data.table(x=rep(c(1,2,3),each=4), y=c(\"A\",\"B\"), v=sample(1:100,12))
Try this:
cumsum0 <- function(x) { x <- cumsum(x); ifelse(x == 0, NA, x) }
DT2 <- DT[, {SUM.<-y; lapply(data.table(model.matrix(~ SUM.:x + SUM.:v + 0)), cumsum0)}]
setnames(DT2, sub("(.):(.)", "\\2.\\1", names(DT2)))
1) If using 0
in place of NA
is ok then it can be simplified by omitting the first line which defines cumsum0
and replacing cumsum0
in the next line with cumsum
2) The result of the second line has these names:
> names(DT2)
[1] "SUM.A:x" "SUM.B:x" "SUM.A:v" "SUM.B:v"
so if that is sufficient the last line can be dropped since its only purpose is to make the names exactly the same as in the question.
The result (without the simplifications) is:
> DT2
1: 1 NA 12 NA
2: 1 1 12 62
3: 2 1 72 62
4: 2 2 72 123
5: 4 2 155 123
6: 4 4 155 220
7: 6 4 156 220
8: 6 6 156 242
9: 9 6 255 242
10: 9 9 255 289
11: 12 9 318 289
12: 12 12 318 338