I have to make a Dr. Racket program that removes letters from a list if they are following the same letter as itself. For example: (z z f a b b d d) would become (z f a b d
This problem will be simpler if you introduce a helper function.
I recommend something like this (where angle brackets mean you need to fill out the details):
(define (remove-duplicates x)
[ '()] ; no duplicates in empty list
[ x] ; no duplicates in a list with one element
[ (cons (car x) (remove-from-front (car x) (cdr x)))]
[else (cons (car x) (remove-duplicates (cdr x)))]))
(define (remove-from-front e x)
[ '()] ; e is not the first element of x
[ (remove-from-front e (cdr x))] ; skip duplicate
[else (remove-duplicates x)])) ; no more es to remove