I\'m new to python.
I want the program to ask
\"is Johnny hungry? True or false?\"
user inputs True
then print is
You can turn something into True
or False
using bool
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool("True")
>>> bool("")
But there is a problem with a user entering "True" or "False" and assuming we can turn that string
into a bool:
>>> bool("False")
This is because a string
is considered truthy if it's not empty.
Typically, what we do instead is allow a user to enter a certain subset of possible inputs and then we tell the user that only these values are allowed if the user enters something else:
user_answer = input("Is johnny hungry ").lower().strip()
if user_answer == "true":
# do something
elif user_answer == "false":
# do something else
print("Error: Answer must be True or False")