I\'m trying to get the attachments of a signed mail via the microsoft-graph-api.
I use a GET-Request on this URL:
This might be a bit unrelated to your question but I spent last 3 days trying extract attachments from signed but unencrypted email. Hope this helps someone in similar situation. Here are steps which worked for me in vb.net:
If String.Equals(origMessage.Attachments.First.ContentType, "multipart/signed",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) AndAlso
String.Equals(origMessage.Attachments.First.Name, "smime.p7m", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
Dim smimeFile As FileAttachment = origMessage.Attachments.First
Dim memoryStreamSigned As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(smimeFile.Content)
Dim entity = MimeEntity.Load(memoryStreamSigned)
If TypeOf entity Is Cryptography.MultipartSigned Then
Dim mltipart As Multipart = entity
Dim attachments As MimeEntity = mltipart(0)
If TypeOf attachments Is Multipart Then
Dim mltipartAttachments As Multipart = attachments
For i As Integer = 0 To mltipartAttachments.Count - 1
If mltipartAttachments(i).IsAttachment Then
**'BOOM, now you're looping your attachment files one by one**
**'Call your decode function to read your attachment as array of Bytes**
End If
End If
End If
'Read and decode content stream
Dim fileStrm = New MemoryStream()
Dim decodedBytes(0 To fileStrm.Length - 1) As Byte
fileStrm.Position = 0 'This is important because .DecodeTo set the position to the end!!
fileStrm.Read(decodedBytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fileStrm.Length))
Now you have your attachment file decoded as an array of Bytes and you can just save it or do whatever you want :) Hope this helped!