I drawing a set of quads. For each quad I have a defined color in a vertex of it.
E.g. now my set of quads looks like:
My guess is there will be issues with the hue colours you're using and vertex interpolation (e.g. skipping some bands). Instead, maybe pass in a single channel value and calculate the hue and discrete levels (as @vesan does) within the fragment shader. I use these functions myself...
vec3 hueToRGB(float h)
h = fract(h) * 6.0;
vec3 rgb;
rgb.r = clamp(abs(3.0 - h)-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
rgb.g = clamp(2.0 - abs(2.0 - h), 0.0, 1.0);
rgb.b = clamp(2.0 - abs(4.0 - h), 0.0, 1.0);
return rgb;
vec3 heat(float x)
return hueToRGB(2.0/3.0-(2.0/3.0)*clamp(x,0.0,1.0));
and then
float discrete = floor(pass_Value * steps + 0.5) / steps; //0.5 to round
out_Color = vec4(heat(discrete), 1.0);
where in float in_Value
is 0 to 1.