I have a function that gets a std::string. That function calls
the 5th parameter is the value of the registry value and expects a variable of t
You could also copy the unicode string into a byte array:
LPWSTR pData = L"SampleGrabber";
int dwSize = wcslen(pData)*sizeof(TCHAR);
BYTE slump[256];
memset((void*) slump, 0, 256*sizeof(BYTE));
memcpy((void*) slump, (const void *) pData, dwSize*sizeof(BYTE));
globit = RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*) slump, dwSize);
If you had the misfortune to be writing code for a WINCE 5.0 device and it lacked part of the regedit API.