extracting a string between two quotes in bash

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被撕碎了的回忆 2021-01-19 07:00

I have example string like Test \"checkin_resumestorevisit - Online_V2.mt\" Run

and i want to extract the text between the two quotes in bash. I tried

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-19 07:53

    Other weird ideas to not let @arton-dorneles alone :^)

    But my favourite is @charles-duffy answer.

    [[ "$SUBSTRING" =~ \"(.*)\" ]] && SUBSTRING="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
    IFS=\" read -r _ SUBSTRING _ <<<"$SUBSTRING"
    # bonus, match either ' or " by pair
    SUBSTRING=$(echo "$SUBSTRING" | sed -r "s/.*?([\"'])(.*)\1.*/\2/")

    Note that bash create a temporary file for "here string" (<<<) as it does for here documents.


    It took me way too long to fully understand Charles Duffy critics; for readers, this could be when:

    SUBSTRING='*"inside text" outside text'

    In this scenario, the following would be unsafe because the star would be expanded, listing files and moving the desired result index:

    IFS=\" eval '_=($SUBSTRING);SUBSTRING="${_[1]}"'
    IFS=\" read -ra _ <<<"$SUBSTRING";SUBSTRING=${_[1]}
