I have some problems with testing TextInput
changes in react-native with jest and enzyme.
My component that handles user input basi
You can add and testID in your TextInput Field and accessibilityLabel as one of the props, add both for ios and android compatibility, Here is the TextInput code.
In your test file do a shallow rendering, here
describe('Your component', () => {
it('Component: renders correctly', () => {
const tree = renderer.create( ).toJSON();
it('Has TextInput', () => {
const tree2 = renderer.create( ).toJSON();
expect(findElement(tree2, '#email')).toBeDefined();
Then define the function findElement above describe. With console.warn you should see your props of TextInput and in that your testID
const findElement = function (tree2, element) {
let result = undefined
for(node in tree2.children){
if(tree2.children[node].props.testID = element) {
result = true
return result
It will test for all available TextInputs .... Note: Shallow rendering will only work if the TextInput is only one level deep(Inside one view only) if it is nested refer here - https://medium.com/@AidThompsin/heres-how-you-unit-test-textinput-with-react-native-63e1f7692b17