I am trying to get the output of serverStatus command via pymongo and then insert it into a mongodb collection. Here is the dictionary
{u\'metrics\': {u\'getLa
Here is a function which will remove '.' from your keys:
def fix_dict(data, ignore_duplicate_key=True):
Removes dots "." from keys, as mongo doesn't like that.
If the key is already there without the dot, the dot-value get's lost.
This modifies the existing dict!
:param ignore_duplicate_key: True: if the replacement key is already in the dict, now the dot-key value will be ignored.
False: raise ValueError in that case.
if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
list2 = list()
for e in data:
# end if
return list2
if isinstance(data, dict):
# end if
for key, value in data.items():
value = fix_dict(value)
old_key = key
if "." in key:
key = old_key.replace(".", "")
if key not in data:
data[key] = value
error_msg = "Dict key {key} containing a \".\" was ignored, as {replacement} already exists".format(
key=key_old, replacement=key)
if force:
import warnings
warnings.warn(error_msg, category=RuntimeWarning)
raise ValueError(error_msg)
# end if
# end if
del data[old_key]
# end if
data[key] = value
# end for
return data
# end if
return data
# end def