I have a project that is build using SBT which packages a single jar using the one-jar plugin. That project contains a bunch of json files in src/main/resources/fixture whic
one-jar packages your resources under the main
dir in the output jar. when using sbt, I find it best to configure the packaging of resources myself.
usually, I would do something like this:
unmanagedResources in Compile := Seq() //we don't want to add resources from "src/main/resources" to inner jar
mappings in oneJar += (file("src/main/resources/filename.json"),"path/to/resource/in/onejar")
so your resource filename.json
will be packaged where you want it in the one-jar jar.
when you want the resource at runtime, simply use:
have a look at this post. it may help with how to package all the resources under src/main/resources