I know that, with package DataFrames
, it is possible by doing simply
julia> df = DataFrame();
julia> for i in 1:3
df[i] = [i, i
If you know how many rows you have in your final Array, you can do it using hcat
# The number of lines of your final array
numrows = 3
# Create an empty array of the same type that you want, with 3 rows and 0 columns:
a = Array(Int, numrows, 0)
# Concatenate 3x1 arrays in your empty array:
for i in 1:numrows
b = [i, i+1, i*2] # Create the array you want to concatenate with a
a = hcat(a, b)
Notice that, here you know that the arrays b
have elements of the type Int
. Therefore we can create the array a
that have elements of the same type.