Yes, basically dupe of #6851461 also #9162249 and #10687200. Unlimited strength policy is NOT the solution.
The prime size for DHE (and other DH) in SSL/TLS client is and must be set from the parameters received from the server, the client can't choose something different. (That's the ClientHandshaker.serverKeyExchange in the stacktrace.)
You already have ECDHE-RSA (which works okay in Java 7, or 6 if you add an ECC provider such as but not necessarily BouncyCastle) prioritized over DHE-RSA, and the server didn't choose it. You aren't offering plain-RSA; if you are willing to go without Forward Secrecy and the server is also, try adding at least some suites like _RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA _RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA before (or instead of) the _DHE_RSA ones.
Another possibility is to ask the server operator(s) to use DH 1024-bit, if they're willing and permitted. It's not actually broken yet, but it is prohibited by some important standards.