I have a SAS dataset with around 3,000 variables, and I would like to get rid of the character variables for which all values are missing. I know how to do this for numeric
Rob and cmjohns, thank you SO MUCH for your help. Based on your solutions and an idea I had over the weekend, here is what I came up with:
%macro removeEmptyCols(origDset, outDset);
* get the number of obs in the original dset;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&origDset));
%let origN = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs));
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
proc transpose data= &origDset out= transpDset;
var _all_;
data transpDset;
set transpDset;
* proc transpose converted all old vars to character,
so the . from old numeric vars no longer means 'missing';
array oldVar_ _character_;
do over oldVar_;
if strip(oldVar_) = "." then oldVar_ = "";
* each row from the old dset is now a column with varname starting with 'col';
numMiss = cmiss(of col:);
numCols = &origN;
proc sql noprint;
select _NAME_ into: varsToKeep separated by ' '
from transpDset
where numMiss < numCols;
data &outDset;
set &origDset (keep = &varsToKeep);
%mend removeEmptyCols;
I will try all 3 ways and report back on which one is fastest...
P.S. added 23 Dec 2010 for future reference: SGF Paper 048-2010: Dropping Automatically Variables with Only Missing Values