I would like to call a sql statement such as:
Select * From Table Where Column in (\'value1\', \'value2\', \'value3\')
Is it as simple as s
Another option is to set the SqlCommand's commandtype to "text" and construct the entire Sql string in code... Assuming Column is a varchar, and you have the Values in a string arrray, named "paramValues"
StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder
("Select * From Table Where Column in (");
string[] paramValues = new string[] {"value1", "value2", "value3"};
foreach (string val in paramValues)
sbSql.Append("'" + val + "', ");
sbSql = sbSql.Remove(sbSql.Length - 2, 2);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sbSql.ToString());
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;