I would like to apply a loop to scrape data from multiple webpages in R. I am able to scrape the data for one webpage, however when I attempt to use a loop for multiple page
Just initalize empty dataframe before loop. I have done this problem and following code works fine for me.
df <- data.frame(names = character(0),facts = character(0),nm = character(0))
for(i in country){
site <- paste("http://www.countryreports.org/country/",i,".htm", sep="")
site <- html(site)
data.frame(names =site %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[1]") %>% html_text() ,
facts =site %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[2]") %>% html_text() ,
stats$nm <- i
stats$names <- gsub('[\r\n\t]', '', stats$names)
stats$facts <- gsub('[\r\n\t]', '', stats$facts)
df <- rbind(df, stats)
#all <- merge(Output,stats)