Boost ASIO: Send message to all connected clients

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情歌与酒 2021-01-19 04:25

I\'m working on a project that involves a boost::beast websocket/http mixed server, which runs on top of boost::asio. I\'ve heavily based my projec

  •  醉话见心
    2021-01-19 05:09

    First off: You can broadcast UDP, but that's not to connected clients. That's just... UDP.

    Secondly, that link shows how to have a condition-variable (event)-like interface in Asio. That's only a tiny part of your problem. You forgot about the big picture: you need to know about the set of open connections, one way or the other:

    1. e.g. keeping a container of session pointers (weak_ptr) to each connection
    2. each connection subscribing to a signal slot (e.g. Boost Signals).

    Option 1. is great for performance, option 2. is better for flexibility (decoupling the event source from subscribers, making it possible to have heterogenous subscribers, e.g. not from connections).

    Because I think Option 1. is much simpler w.r.t to threading, better w.r.t. efficiency (you can e.g. serve all clients from one buffer without copying) and you probably don't need to doubly decouple the signal/slots, let me refer to an answer where I already showed as much for pure Asio (without Beast):

    • How to design proper release of a boost::asio socket or wrapper thereof

    It shows the concept of a "connection pool" - which is essentially a thread-safe container of weak_ptr objects with some garbage collection logic.

    Demonstration: Introducing Echo Server

    After chatting about things I wanted to take the time to actually demonstrate the two approaches, so it's completely clear what I'm talking about.

    First let's present a simple, run-of-the mill asynchronous TCP server with

    • with multiple concurrent connections
    • each connected session reads from the client line-by-line, and echoes the same back to the client
    • stops accepting after 3 seconds, and exits after the last client disconnects

    master branch on github

    namespace ba = boost::asio;
    using ba::ip::tcp;
    using boost::system::error_code;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    static bool s_verbose = false;
    struct connection : std::enable_shared_from_this {
        connection(ba::io_context& ioc) : _s(ioc) {}
        void start() { read_loop(); }
        void send(std::string msg, bool at_front = false) {
            post(_s.get_io_service(), [=] { // _s.get_executor() for newest Asio
                if (enqueue(std::move(msg), at_front))
        void do_echo() {
            std::string line;
            if (getline(std::istream(&_rx), line)) {
                send(std::move(line) + '\n');
        bool enqueue(std::string msg, bool at_front)
        { // returns true if need to start write loop
            at_front &= !_tx.empty(); // no difference
            if (at_front)
                _tx.insert(std::next(begin(_tx)), std::move(msg));
            return (_tx.size() == 1);
        bool dequeue()
        { // returns true if more messages pending after dequeue
            return !_tx.empty();
        void write_loop() {
            ba::async_write(_s, ba::buffer(_tx.front()), [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Tx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec && dequeue()) write_loop();
        void read_loop() {
            ba::async_read_until(_s, _rx, "\n", [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Rx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec)
        friend struct server;
        ba::streambuf          _rx;
        std::list _tx;
        tcp::socket            _s;
    struct server {
        server(ba::io_context& ioc) : _ioc(ioc) {
            _acc.bind({{}, 6767});
        void stop() {
  [=] {
        void accept_loop() {
            auto session = std::make_shared(_acc.get_io_context());
            _acc.async_accept(session->_s, [this,session](error_code ec) {
                 auto ep = ec? tcp::endpoint{} : session->_s.remote_endpoint();
                 std::cout << "Accept from " << ep << " (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                 if (!ec)
        ba::io_context& _ioc;
        tcp::acceptor _acc{_ioc, tcp::v4()};
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        s_verbose = argc>1 && argv[1] == "-v"s;
        ba::io_context ioc;
        server s(ioc);
        std::thread th([&ioc] {; }); // todo exception handling
        s.stop(); // active connections will continue

    Approach 1. Adding Broadcast Messages

    So, let's add "broadcast messages" that get sent to all active connections simultaneously. We add two:

    • one at each new connection (saying "Player ## has entered the game")
    • one that emulates a global "server event", like you described in the question). It gets triggered from within main:

      auto n = s.broadcast("random global event broadcast\n");
      std::cout << "Global event broadcast reached " << n << " active connections\n";

    Note how we do this by registering a weak pointer to each accepted connection and operating on each:

        _acc.async_accept(session->_s, [this,session](error_code ec) {
             auto ep = ec? tcp::endpoint{} : session->_s.remote_endpoint();
             std::cout << "Accept from " << ep << " (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
             if (!ec) {
                 auto n = reg_connection(session);
                 broadcast("player #" + std::to_string(n) + " has entered the game\n");

    broadcast is also used directly from main and is simply:

    size_t broadcast(std::string const& msg) {
        return for_each_active([msg](connection& c) { c.send(msg, true); });

    using-asio-post branch on github

    namespace ba = boost::asio;
    using ba::ip::tcp;
    using boost::system::error_code;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    static bool s_verbose = false;
    struct connection : std::enable_shared_from_this {
        connection(ba::io_context& ioc) : _s(ioc) {}
        void start() { read_loop(); }
        void send(std::string msg, bool at_front = false) {
            post(_s.get_io_service(), [=] { // _s.get_executor() for newest Asio
                if (enqueue(std::move(msg), at_front))
        void do_echo() {
            std::string line;
            if (getline(std::istream(&_rx), line)) {
                send(std::move(line) + '\n');
        bool enqueue(std::string msg, bool at_front)
        { // returns true if need to start write loop
            at_front &= !_tx.empty(); // no difference
            if (at_front)
                _tx.insert(std::next(begin(_tx)), std::move(msg));
            return (_tx.size() == 1);
        bool dequeue()
        { // returns true if more messages pending after dequeue
            return !_tx.empty();
        void write_loop() {
            ba::async_write(_s, ba::buffer(_tx.front()), [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Tx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec && dequeue()) write_loop();
        void read_loop() {
            ba::async_read_until(_s, _rx, "\n", [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Rx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec)
        friend struct server;
        ba::streambuf          _rx;
        std::list _tx;
        tcp::socket            _s;
    struct server {
        server(ba::io_context& ioc) : _ioc(ioc) {
            _acc.bind({{}, 6767});
        void stop() {
  [=] {
        size_t broadcast(std::string const& msg) {
            return for_each_active([msg](connection& c) { c.send(msg, true); });
        using connptr = std::shared_ptr;
        using weakptr = std::weak_ptr;
        std::mutex _mx;
        std::vector _registered;
        size_t reg_connection(weakptr wp) {
            std::lock_guard lk(_mx);
            return _registered.size();
        size_t for_each_active(F f) {
            std::vector active;
                std::lock_guard lk(_mx);
                for (auto& w : _registered)
                    if (auto c = w.lock())
            for (auto& c : active) {
                std::cout << "(running action for " << c->_s.remote_endpoint() << ")" << std::endl;
            return active.size();
        void accept_loop() {
            auto session = std::make_shared(_acc.get_io_context());
            _acc.async_accept(session->_s, [this,session](error_code ec) {
                 auto ep = ec? tcp::endpoint{} : session->_s.remote_endpoint();
                 std::cout << "Accept from " << ep << " (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                 if (!ec) {
                     auto n = reg_connection(session);
                     broadcast("player #" + std::to_string(n) + " has entered the game\n");
        ba::io_context& _ioc;
        tcp::acceptor _acc{_ioc, tcp::v4()};
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        s_verbose = argc>1 && argv[1] == "-v"s;
        ba::io_context ioc;
        server s(ioc);
        std::thread th([&ioc] {; }); // todo exception handling
        auto n = s.broadcast("random global event broadcast\n");
        std::cout << "Global event broadcast reached " << n << " active connections\n";
        s.stop(); // active connections will continue

    Approach 2: Those Broadcast But With Boost Signals2

    The Signals approach is a fine example of Dependency Inversion.

    Most salient notes:

    • signal slots get invoked on the thread invoking it ("raising the event")
    • the scoped_connection is there so subscriptions are *automatically removed when the connection is destructed
    • there's subtle difference in the wording of the console message from "reached # active connections" to "reached # active subscribers".

    The difference is key to understanding the added flexibility: the signal owner/invoker does not know anything about the subscribers. That's the decoupling/dependency inversion we're talking about

    using-signals2 branch on github

    namespace ba = boost::asio;
    using ba::ip::tcp;
    using boost::system::error_code;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    static bool s_verbose = false;
    struct connection : std::enable_shared_from_this {
        connection(ba::io_context& ioc) : _s(ioc) {}
        void start() { read_loop(); }
        void send(std::string msg, bool at_front = false) {
            post(_s.get_io_service(), [=] { // _s.get_executor() for newest Asio
                if (enqueue(std::move(msg), at_front))
        void do_echo() {
            std::string line;
            if (getline(std::istream(&_rx), line)) {
                send(std::move(line) + '\n');
        bool enqueue(std::string msg, bool at_front)
        { // returns true if need to start write loop
            at_front &= !_tx.empty(); // no difference
            if (at_front)
                _tx.insert(std::next(begin(_tx)), std::move(msg));
            return (_tx.size() == 1);
        bool dequeue()
        { // returns true if more messages pending after dequeue
            return !_tx.empty();
        void write_loop() {
            ba::async_write(_s, ba::buffer(_tx.front()), [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Tx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec && dequeue()) write_loop();
        void read_loop() {
            ba::async_read_until(_s, _rx, "\n", [this,self=shared_from_this()](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    if (s_verbose) std::cout << "Rx: " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec)
        friend struct server;
        ba::streambuf          _rx;
        std::list _tx;
        tcp::socket            _s;
        boost::signals2::scoped_connection _subscription;
    struct server {
        server(ba::io_context& ioc) : _ioc(ioc) {
            _acc.bind({{}, 6767});
        void stop() {
  [=] {
        size_t broadcast(std::string const& msg) {
            return _broadcast_event.num_slots();
        boost::signals2::signal _broadcast_event;
        size_t reg_connection(connection& c) {
            c._subscription = _broadcast_event.connect(
                    [&c](std::string msg){ c.send(msg, true); }
            return _broadcast_event.num_slots();
        void accept_loop() {
            auto session = std::make_shared(_acc.get_io_context());
            _acc.async_accept(session->_s, [this,session](error_code ec) {
                 auto ep = ec? tcp::endpoint{} : session->_s.remote_endpoint();
                 std::cout << "Accept from " << ep << " (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                 if (!ec) {
                     auto n = reg_connection(*session);
                     broadcast("player #" + std::to_string(n) + " has entered the game\n");
        ba::io_context& _ioc;
        tcp::acceptor _acc{_ioc, tcp::v4()};
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        s_verbose = argc>1 && argv[1] == "-v"s;
        ba::io_context ioc;
        server s(ioc);
        std::thread th([&ioc] {; }); // todo exception handling
        auto n = s.broadcast("random global event broadcast\n");
        std::cout << "Global event broadcast reached " << n << " active subscribers\n";
        s.stop(); // active connections will continue

    See the diff between Approach 1. and 2.: Compare View on github

    A sample of the output when run against 3 concurrent clients with:

    (for a in {1..3}; do netcat localhost 6767 < /etc/dictionaries-common/words > echoed.$a& sleep .1; done; time wait)
