I have previously posted about this problem I am still facing Which is to return data from a Stateful widget back to a Stateless Widget
The Widget I am using is Dat
For more time saving solution for returning value from another widget and using it, here's an example for Flutter Dropdown:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:paxi_ride/constant.dart';
class BuildDropdown extends StatefulWidget {
final ValueChanged onChanged;
String defaultValue, selectedValue, dropdownHint;
List itemsList;
{Key key,
: super(key: key);
_BuildDropdownState createState() => _BuildDropdownState();
class _BuildDropdownState extends State {
String _value;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
// height: 40,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 0),
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8),
color: Colors.white,
child: DropdownButton(
items: widget.itemsList.map(
(String value) {
return new DropdownMenuItem(
value: value,
child: new Text(value),
value: _value == null ? widget.defaultValue : _value,
isExpanded: true,
onChanged: (String value) {
setState(() {
_value = value;
hint: Text(widget.dropdownHint),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
color: brownColorApp,
iconEnabledColor: brownColorApp,
iconSize: 14,
underline: Container(),
Call this widget from another widget where you want to get selected value like this:
String selectedValue; //class field
itemsList: ['Option 1','Option 2'],
defaultValue: 'Option 1',
dropdownHint: 'Select Required Option',
onChanged: (value) {
selectedValue = value;
Use this value wherever needed, it will be changed as dropdown selection is changed.