for self educational purposes I tried to find a way to create a height map all by myself. I googled a little bit and found a function that creates pseudo-random numbers.
Like D Stanley pointed out, the reason for the OverFlowException
in is that is automatically doing an overflow check on integer operations while C# is not.
In case someone else is interested in getting it to work in you can do the following:
Add this structure to your project
Public Structure LongToIntegerNoOverflow
Public LongValue As Long
Public IntValue As Integer
End Structure
and change the Noise function to
Private Function Noise(ByVal x As Integer) As Single
Dim x1 As Long
Dim x2 As LongToIntegerNoOverflow
Dim x3 As LongToIntegerNoOverflow
Dim x4 As Long
x1 = (x << 13) Xor x
x2.LongValue = x1 * x1 * 15731 + 789221
x3.LongValue = x1 * x2.IntValue + 1376312589
x4 = x3.IntValue And &H7FFFFFFF
Return (1.0R - x4 / 1073741824.0R)
End Function
After these changes I got the same results in and in C#.